The Latest Dirt

Mt Dyer double header

Mt Dyer double header

Coconut Cup #6 + ST– Dyer Park – West Palm Beach, Fl

Between the time of this event and time this is being written we have been informed of the sad news that one of our friends and friend to the sport has passed away. Moises Inoa (Osito King Racing) was a former bike racer turned photographer / video enthusiast who took thousands of pictures of the races over the years and produced high quality videos for all to see for free on his face book page “Osito king racing”. He was a great person, always happy, always smiling and always encouraging the racers. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this difficult time, he will be missed dearly. We will do our best to communicate any pertinent information about Moises on our face book page in the coming days.

The race weekend at Dyer was weather challenged to say the least, often when we hear a bad forecast, we take it with a grain of salt because many times it turns out just fine, not this time however. Dyer is considered a good course for wet weather and Saturday’s Short Track had actually good conditions despite the 20-30 mph winds which turned the last third of a mile that runs to the finish into a struggle for survival as they faced directly those head winds. The final ST results would show Christopher Yake and Patricia Doring winning the top male and female positions.

Sunday, the weather folks said it was going to rain most of early part of the day and they were unfortunately right. You may have heard the song “working at the car wash” from the 1970’s well that is how it must have felt for the racers as the high winds and sideways rain pelted them on and off through the course of the race. Sunday’s winners were Bob McCarty and Simone Berger

We did have a few moments of no rain however making the awards presentations tolerable; whew glad that day is behind us.

Many thanks to the FORCE club for all of their hard work and even doing some course reroutes in the wee hours of the morning to make the race course better, real troopers!

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